couchquery – A Python library for CouchDB

CouchDB is not a relational database. The purpose of couchquery is to provide a simple, flexible and dynamic interface for creating, updating and deleting documents and working with views.


couchquery requires setuptools and httplib2. If you do not have them installed already you will want to:

$ curl -O
$ python
$ easy_install -U httplib2

If you are running Python 2.5 or earlier you will also need simplejson:

$ easy_install simplejson

Now you can install couchquery:

$ pip install couchquery

The source code is publicly available on github. Tickets should be logged on the github issues tracker.

The process for code contributions is for users to fork the repository on github, push modifications to their public fork, and then send Nicholas a pull request.

Working with Documents

Create a Database object for any CouchDB database you would like to interact with.

>>> db = Database('http://localhost:5984/buckaroo')

Create a new document in the database.

>>> db.create({'type':'red-lectroid','name':'John Whorfin'})
{u'rev': u'1-4198154595', u'ok': True, u'id': u'c581bbc8fd32f49ecb2f8668ed71fe9b'}

After creating a new document you are given the response dict from couch which includes the id of the document. You can also get documents by id.

>>> info = db.create({'type':'red-lectroid','name':'John Whorfin'})
>>> doc = db.get(info['id'])
>>> type(doc)
<class 'couchquery.Document'>

Document objects are just slightly extended dict objects that provide slightly simpler attribute access.

"John Worfin"
>>> doc['name']
"John Worfin"
>>> doc.location = "The 8th Dimension"
>>> doc.has_key('location')
>>> doc.get('fakeattribute', False)

When saving documents you must have the latest revision.

>>> db.update(doc)

If you do not have the latest revision you’ll get a CouchDBDocumentConflict exception.

>>> db.update(old_doc)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/mikeal/Documents/git/couchquery/couchquery/", line 271, in update
    raise CouchDBException(response.body)
couchquery.CouchDBException: {"error":"conflict","reason":"Document update conflict."}

Database.create(), Database.update() and Database.delete() all support bulk operations when iterable types are passed.

db.create([{‘type’:’red-lectroid’, ‘name’:’John Bigboote’},
{‘type’:’red-lectroid’, ‘name’:”John O’Connor”},])

Creating views

Futon is great, but I like to check my design documents in to version control so that I can push and pull changes to them from different contributors on github.

With couchquery you can create a single directory for each design document where each subdirectory is a view in that design document. Inside the view directories you write a map.js and optional reduce.js file which contains your view functions:

$ du -a views
8       views/lectroidByType
8       views/lectroidByType/map.js
8       views/byType
8       views/byType/map.js
8       views/byType/reduce.js

You can then “sync” this directory as a design document in your database.:

db.sync_design_doc('banzai', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'views'))

Now your directory of views is a design document in the database.

Working with views

The couchquery views API is simple and straight forward provided you already have some understanding of how CouchDB views work.:


The view API provides functions for each view that accept keyword arguments which are then converted in to query string arguments to the CouchDB HTTP View API.

These view functions return RowSet objects for each view result. RowSet objects are one of the major highlights of couchquery. A RowSet object represents the result of a CouchDB query, it is not an abstraction of the query itself.:

rows = db.views.banzai.lectroidByType(key="red-lectroid")

Iterating over a RowSet object yields the values from the view result. If the values are documents then it will yield a Document instance for the value.:

for doc in rows:
    if "lectroid" in doc.type:
        doc.species = 'lectroid'

You can use to save all changes made to the values in the RowSet provided the values are documents.:

>>> type(rows[0])
<class 'couchquery.Document'>
>>> type(rows['red-lectroid'])
<class 'couchquery.RowSet'>

You can get a value in the RowSet by position using list style syntax. Dictionary syntax allows you to get new RowSet objects for the selection of rows in the result that matched the given key, this is useful when doing range queries because you can get subsets of the range without making additional queries to the server.:

>>> rows = db.views.banzai.lectroidByType(startkey=None, endkey={})
>>> red_lectroids = rows['red-lectroid']
>>> black_lectroids = rows['black-lectroid']

When applicable, properties like RowSet.offset are preserved and calculated for the new RowSet instance.:

>>> rows.offset
>>> red_lectroids.offset
>>> black_lectorids.offset

RowSet objects only assume that values are Documents if they have _id attributes. If not, the value itself is returned by all these value APIs.

RowSet objects also have convenient methods for working with the ids and keys, or more explicitly with values.:

>>> type(rows.keys())
<type 'list'>
>>> type(rows.ids())
<type 'list'>
>>> type(rows.values())
<type 'list'>

Another convenient method is items() which returns a list of (key, value) tuples for the keys and values in the view result.:

for key, value in rows.items():
    if 'lectroid' in key:
        assert 'John' in

The contains operations are also customized. String values are checked against the id’s in the result while other objects are checked against the values.

>>> info = db.create({'type':'black-lectroid', 'name':'John Parker'})
>>> red_lectroids = db.views.banzai.lectroidByType(key='red-lectroid')
>>> info['id'] in red_lectroids
>>> black_lectroids = db.views.banzai.lectroidByType(key='black-lectroid')
>>> info['id'] in black_lectroids
>>> db.get(info['id']) in black_lectroids

couchquery — Simple CouchDB module.


Defaults to True. When set to True accessing most dynamic attributes will be validated with HTTP HEAD requests for the resources. This incurs additional delay in accessing most views for the first time but results in more accurate exceptions.

class couchquery.Database(uri[, http[, http_engine[, cache]]])

uri is the full http uri to the CouchDB database.

http can be an instance of httplib2.Http or an instance of one of the HttpClient subclasses. The default is to create an instance of Httplib2Client for the given uri.

cache is an argument specifically passed to httplib2.Http, it is special cased for reverse compatibility with an older version of this API.


Get a single document by _id from the database.

Returns a Document object for the given _id in the database.

create(doc[, all_or_nothing])

Create a document. Accepts any object that can be converted in to a dict. If multiple documents are passed they are handed off to the bulk document handler.

Uses the HTTP POST interface for creating documents in CouchDB. If list(), tuple() or types.GeneratorType types are passed then the creation is handed off to Database.bulk() with all_or_nothing passed as well. all_or_nothing defaults to False.

update(doc[, all_or_nothing])

Update a document. Accepts any object that can be converted in to a dict. If multiple documents are passed they are handed off to the bulk document handler.

Uses the HTTP PUT interface for updating documents in CouchDB. If list(), tuple(), types.GeneratorType or RowSet types are passed then the update is handed off to Database.bulk() with all_or_nothing passed as well. all_or_nothing defaults to False.

delete(doc[, all_or_nothing])

Delete a document. Accepts any object that can be converted in to a dict. Document/s must contain _id and _rev properties. If multiple documents are passed they are removed using the bulk document API.

Uses the HTTP DELETE interface for updating documents in CouchDB. If list(), tuple(), types.GeneratorType or RowSet types are passed then the delete is handed off to bulk() with all_or_nothing passed as well. all_or_nothing defaults to False.

save(doc[, all_or_nothing])

Smart save method. Hands off to bulk, create, or update.

If list(), tuple(), types.GeneratorType or RowSet types are passed they are handed off to Database.bulk(). If the object represents a single document then it is checked for the _id item and if accessible then it is passed to update if not then it is sent to create. all_or_nothing defaults to False.

sync_design_doc(name, path)

Sync a directory structure with proper map.js and reduce.js files at path as a desing document named name. Document above in Creating views


Instance of Views for this CouchDB Database.


Accepts either an instance of Database or a uri to the database. Will cause an HTTP PUT request to create the new database, validate the response code, and return you decoded response body.


Accepts either an instance of Database or a uri to the database. Will cause an HTTP DELETE request to remove database, validate the response code, and return you decoded response body.

class couchquery.Document([*args[, **kwargs]])

Subclass of dict(). __setattr__, __getattr__ and __delattr__ are linked to __setitem__, __getitem__ and __delitem__ respectively to support a shorter attribute access and manipulation syntax.

class couchquery.Views(db)

CouchDB Views API.

Requires a Database instance.

Supports dynamic attribute access for design document containers by name.:

>>> type(db.views.bonzai)
<class 'couchquery.Design'>

The design document is checked to be valid via an HTTP HEAD request if debugging is set.

all([include_docs[, startkey[, endkey[, keys]]]])

Interface for the CouchDB _all_docs HTTP REST API.

include_docs defaults to True. keys, startkey, and endkey all default to None and are not used unless set to a value other than None.

Returns a RowSet instance for the returned results. The values in the RowSet are set to the docuemnts when include_docs is True to make the returned result closer to a standard view result.

class couchquery.Design(db, _id)

Represents access to a given Design document. Part of the View access API document in Working with views.

This object has customized attribute access which returns a View object for a view in the design document of the given name.

>>> type(db.views.bonzai.lectroidByType)
<class 'couchquery.View'>
class couchquery.View(db, _id)

A callable() class which provides access to a given view using the CouchDB HTTP View API.


Queries a CouchDB view.

If keys is in kwargs this uses the HTTP POST API, if keys is not in kwargs the HTTP GET API is used.

Additional keyword arguments are passed as arguments to the noted HTTP API. All arguments except key_docid, startkey_docid, endkey_id and stale will be JSON serialized.

Returns a RowSet object for the returned result.

class couchquery.RowSet(db, rows[, offset[, total_rows[, parent]]])

View result abstraction. Supports bulk edits, and a variety of other features documented in Working with views.

Iterating over a RowSet will iterate over the values in the view result. Values that are documents will be turned in to Document instances.


Returns a list of all ids in the view result.


Returns a list of all the keys in the view result.


Returns a list of all the values in the view result.

items([key[, value]])

Return a list of (key, value) tuples. By default key is “key” and value is “value” which means it will return a pair of (row[‘key’], row[‘value’],) for every row in the view result.


Offset for the rows in the view result relative to all keys in the view.

get_offset(obj[, key])

Returns the offset for the given object. key defaults to “value” which means that obj is compared against the values in the rows. If the object exists multiple times the offset for the first occurence will be returned.


Save all the change made to the values in this RowSet. Sends this RowSet instance to Database.bulk().


Remove all the values in this RowSet from the database. Sends this RowSet instance to Database.delete().